The Tang Sou Dao forms are completely unique to our style and were created by Grandmaster Loke. To date, there are three basic Chee Pen forms, six intermediate Yi Chuan forms, six advanced Luo Han forms and three special kicking Cheang Ti forms.
They are formulated to be appropriate to the grade learning the form, but at the same time challenging for all grades, including black belts and senior grades. The forms are designed to be practical, each move can be explained and applied. The timing/ fast count of the forms starts at the intermediate Yi Chuan level. The fast count will facilitate the flow and explain the meaning and practicality of the form.
The footwork in the intermediate Yi Chuan forms and above incorporate evasion from a variety of angles. The techniques include the delivery of long range hip power, short range power and throwing power. Each form introduces at least one new kicking technique, a self defence escape and progressively complex combinations. Where some students are unable to perform certain techniques due to injury or disability, there are alternative techniques that can be substituted.
Click on the links to find your form to help you train. However, forms cannot just be learnt by these videos. These videos cannot replace proper and regular training in class. Good luck!!